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FI-Comp Data Access⚓︎

FI-Comp participants are provided access to the simulated transaction reporting via a number of web applications (i.e. analytic apps) and two APIs. The web apps are intended to allow participants to build up their understanding of the data model quickly. However to complete the challenges participants will be required to interrogate the APIs and process the responses. I.e. coding skills are required to complete the analysis challenges.

The web apps are freely available on the internet at - so you can jump in now and take a look around. The documentation and challenges can also be accessed at this URL however to submit requests to the APIs you will need to signup for the competition.

Web Apps⚓︎

A brief description and a screen capture is provided for each of the web apps in the below collapsed tabs:

Data Access Links Screencast

Data Access Links provides an abstracted view of the characteristic and party linkages within the underlying transaction reports. Participants are able to search for party characteristics then spider out to find the reported parties with those characteristics and their report counter parties.

Data Access Macro Screencast

Data Access Macro provides a top down analysis tool of key report level transaction characteristics. Macro allows users to view summary data in table or graph form - its similar to an Microsoft Excel pivot table/chart.

Data Access Micro Screencast

Data Access Micro provides a simplistic text based search tool for names, addresses, accounts, identifications, partyIds and reports. As well as displaying detailed report information.

Data Access Print Screencast

Print provides the equivalent to a printed report on financial transactions, with some basic filtering capabilities.

Data Access COTS (Kibana)Screencast

Data Access COTS provides access to a canned dashboard in a COTS application called Kibana.

API Documentation⚓︎

Interactive Documentation is provided for the APIs in swagger format. The APIs codenames are :

  • Redtongue the Data Submission API.
  • Blueback the Data Access API.

The names are derived from compound Australian native animal names (specifically the redback spider and the bluetongue lizard).

The majority of analysis involves leveraging the Blueback API, however the Redtongue API is required to be used to extract evidentiary submission details. A mock API server is freely accessible on the internet for the data access API - so feel free to set the server to mock and try out the API through the swagger documentation page.

Data Submission Swagger API Documentation

To view the Swagger documentation in a new tab click here.

Data Access Swagger API Documentation

To view the Swagger documentation in a new tab click here.